Dota 2 Progamer Toplist E-Sport Earnings & Pro Settings

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Which Dota 2 Pro Players have the highest E-Sport Earnings?

Until the Dota 2 International 2019 the german player Kuroky from Team Liquid was leading the Dota 2 income list for a long time…
Of course everyone knew it would change after the next big event: The prize pool of the TI9 had a mind-blowing amount of $34,310,846 and furthermore, that means, the winning team gets about $15 million in total.
To sum up for each player who wins the TI9 that means a boost of exactly $3,122,287.

The Winners of the TI9 reached the Top 5 Dota 2 Income List:

#NicknameTI9 EarningsTotal E-Sport Income

Since the Dota 2 International events exist, they are increasing every year, if this keeps going on, each new TI will have a massive impact onto the Dota 2 income toplist!

Top Gaming Hardware for Dota 2:

The game tools have to fit to your needs, are you some who wants to rely on safety and good old mechanics like Kuroky with the Razer Deathadder or do you need three more extra keys on the mouse? Then n0tail’s Steel Series Sensei is perfect for you! The fact is, all of these game tools of the list above are awesome to play Dota 2 on a high level, in the end, it’s about your favorite colors, looks and of course which pro player you admire! Most fans get the tools like their favorite player: I also got the Razer Deathadder like Kuro! 😉

Which is the Best Gaming Mouse for Dota 2?

Best Dota 2 MouseThe most used and best gaming mouse of professional Dota 2 players is by far the Steel Series Sensei, with the unique Steel Series logo on it.

Mainly it’s yellow but of course, you can change the color. The Sensei has an astonishing grip and is just flying over the mousepad.
This gaming mouse is developed for e-sport players who want to have a high-quality asset that helps them playing well. The range of extra keys allows quick and controlled execution of any game plan.

Which is the Best Keyboard for Dota 2?

With a big lead, the Steel Series Apex M800 is the best gaming keyboard for Dota 2. The most Dota 2 pro players use the Apex M800 from Steel Series like n0tail, Topson or Ceb from team OG, who won the TI9 and won over 35 million dollar.
Best Dota 2 Gaming KeyboardWhich one is your favorite Dota 2 keyboard, it’s also important to choose between a mechanical keyboard and a non-mechanical. If you want to choose the game keyboard with the best recommandations for Dota 2, the Apex M800 is a good choice.

What is the favorite Gaming Chair of all Dota 2 Pro Players?

The number one seat is of course the DX Racer 1 from Robas Lund:
Best Dota 2 Gaming ChairThis is the best Dota 2 Gaming Chair of all time and for your professional gaming career this seat is a booster. It’s not 100% necessary to sit on a gaming chair, but when you get one, gaming feels a lot more serious. I love my DX Racer 1 and I can understand that most of the Dota 2 pro players use this black-red seat.

Dota 2 Pro Settings to make the maximum out of the game:

Which is you favorite Dota 2 player? The most of us have 5-10 players they love to watch, follow and support and it’s great to see with which settings they are playing. First of all it’s necessary to point out how important a good gaming computer is to be able to play the game on a high and fluent level. For this the FPS, the ping and the game settings are important to have a solid base to play well.

Dota 2 Settings compared:

Worst Dota 2 SettingsBest Dota 2 SettingsAs you can see the difference is extremely high, try to play with better settings to allow a higher skill for yourself. To improve the settings first of all set the graphic game settings a bit higher: Dota 2 Pro SettingsTo make even more improvements, find our detailed articles about each aspect like increasing your Dota 2 FPS and ping:

System Requirements to play Dota 2 on a high level:

Miminum and optimal technical stats to play Dota 2 perfectly:

Dota 2 Minimum Requirements:

OSWindow 7
ProcessorDual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
VideoNVidia GeForce 8600 / 9600GT
Alternate VideoATI / AMD Radeon HD 26003600
Sound CardDirectX Compatible

Top Dota 2 Settings for High FPS:

FPS AmountExplanationDetails
Below 20 FPSHangedShattering animation, unplayable + severe headache
20-30 FPSMarginalOk at some extent, but still, sometimes severe delay.
30-45 FPSPlayableNot very good but not very bad as well.
45-60 FPSCreamyNo delay, creamy animation.
60-90 FPSSilkySmooth like silk animation, high resolution.
Above 90 FPSUltra SilkySystem straight from Heaven every feature is speechless.

Which is your favorite pro player?
Tell us in the comments who deserves the most love and fame! 😉

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Livingston Andrew
Livingston Andrew
7 months ago

thank you

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