Dota 2 Pro Ceb aka “7ckngMad” – The Cute Looking Mastermind

Nickname:7ckngMad (Ceb)
Top 3 Heroes:Magnus, Treant Protector, and Axe
Real Name:Sébastien Debs

Ceb is a Dota 2 professional player from France, who experienced viral fame through his nickname “Ceeeeeeeeeb” which has been integrated as a sound for the chatwheel.With team OG, Ceb won the Ti8 and Ti9, which boosted him to a Dota 2 E-Sport income of over 5 million dollars.

About Ceb:

Ceb AvatarCeb’s Strength:
Ceb is an offlane position 3 player and has to face hard lane matchups every single game, he has to rely onto his reflexes to make the most out of the lane.

How Ceb got viral fame for his name change in Dota 2:

Sébastien Debs aka “7ckngMad” is a french professional Dota 2 player. But you might not have heard this name before: After getting popular he changed his gaming name from “7ckngMad” to “Ceb”.

The “Ceeeeeeeeeb” sound was integrated into the Chat wheel after the TI9:

Dota 2 Ceb Sound
If you are a true Dota 2 fan, you have seen a voice in your chat wheel or at least from other teammates: “Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb”. This chat wheel was introduced because of this guy. Now everyone is spamming the famous sound and it reminds every single time of the TI8 finals. 😀

What is the meaning of the Ceb sound?

In the Dota 2 International 2018 final matches between OG and PSG.LGD Ceb made a move that changed everything. Ceb Axe Call Ti8
PSG.LGD was leading with 2-1 and in the fourth game everything looked like a loss against LGD and the big lategame fight was nearly lost and the game over…
Then Ceb made the most epic move ever in Dota 2 history: No one was prepared for that and everyone forgot about Ceb, he jumped in with Axe and called every single enemy hitting his blade mail! At that moment the commentator was screaming “CEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB”, it was a hilarious moment and Ceb brought down all enemies for that and died himself. The perfect sacrifice! He turned the game and OG won the series with 3-2.
Ceb’s move is called the 11 million dollar move and it was one of the biggest moments in Dota history.

Checkout one of the greatest Axe pushing tactics here.

Ceb’s E-Sport Dota 2 Story: A journey of a geek to a professional Dota player

Ceb team OGSébastien Debs is a geek from his school days. He studies things thoroughly with deep concepts and this is the main reason why his strategies are so epic.

Ceb’s first attemps with professional Dota 2 teams:

7ckngmad Dota 2 historyIn 2011, Ceb got his first chance to play Dota as a professional player. He joined the Team Shakira.

The team got popular in no time because of the epic performance in the Dreamhack Winter 2011. Later on, Team Shakira participated in a few more tournaments and did well. After successful gameplays, Ceb and his teammates were sponsored by a company to play along with a team named Western Wolves.
However, this collaboration did not go well because of too many players in a team. The roaster issues started to occur. Therefore, Ceb left the Western Wolves and joined team mTw.

The TI2 was the first International Dota 2 Tournament Ceb played:

Joining the team mTw was a great decision by Ceb. At that time, mTw was filled up with some next-level players. Therefore, Ceb and his team easily managed to win in the West Qualifiers. West Qualifiers was vital for the team to participate in The International 2012. Before, The International started a few more significant tournaments were held. Ceb TI2 DotaTeam mTw did well in all of them but gave a notable play in the DreakHack Summer 2012.

Consecutive wins made the team a fierce competitor in The International 2012. Therefore, every team was aware that they could not let their guard off in front of mTw. Team mTw gave a tremendous performance in the minor and major tournaments. But somehow, was not able to do that in The International’s. The team ended up severely in their group with a score of 3-11. The respect they have made among the crowd was gone.

It all happened because of international issues among the team. Otherwise, it was not that easy to defeat mTw. After the shameful elimination. Ceb announced, he is leaving Team mTw and re-forming the Team Shakira.

Ceb tried to from a Dota 2 team and was the team captain and Offlaner at the same time:

After reforming the team and coming up with new strategies, Team Shakira and Ceb were ready to dominate the upcoming tournaments. Ceb as a Drafter CaptainThe team participated in the ESWC 2012 and showed great gameplay. The team ended up at 3rd position in the tournament. Not too good, but ok for a team start.

Ceb tried his Drafting Skills in Team MYM:

Later on, Team Shakira merged with team MYM (Meet your Makers). Ceb was a geek from the start and best in strategy making, therefore after the collaboration with MYM, Ceb took the role of stand-in and coach. His coaching skills did well for the team. Unfortunately! The collaboration did not survive for long, and both teams got separated.
Afterwards, Ceb renamed the team to “DD.Dota”.

Quantic GamingCeb had a fantastic german player in his team called “THEneNo-“. He played well, but suddenly after team DD.Dota was formed he decided to leave. Ceb was back to his roaster role and with one less player. The International 2013 was about to start, and Ceb badly needed a good player. Goblak joined the team. Later on, the team qualified and ended up in The International 2013 as team “Quantic”.  It was the first time Ceb came up with a decent name for his team.
However, the tournament again did not go well for the team. Later, all the players left the team, and Ceb was on its own.

In 2015 Team Sigma was born:

After the heartbreaking loss in Ti3, Ceb wanted to build up the team again. Five new players joined Ceb in his journey: Sockshka, miGGel, FATA, Trinker and Brain (Standby player). The team was again given the name “DD.Dota”. Dota 2 Ceb E-Sport StoryLuckily after a few weeks of formation an organisation decided to sponsor the team and they ended up with the name “Sigma”.

Team Sigma participated in the upcoming premier tournaments and played terrific in them. Moreover, in the mixed LAN matches and the ESWC, Dota 2 Champion’s League and Starladder also went well for the team.

Eventually, in the Dream League 2015, Team Sigma showed extreme noob plays and ended up at last position. The team was disqualified from the tournament, and the sponsors stopped sponsoring the team. Team Sigma was shattered into piece and Ceb was wandering into other teams.

Dota 2 Team Alliance – Hope for Ceb:

Team Alliance with CebAfter the disqualification, no team was adding Ceb. But because of his high skill and gameplay teams were interested again in no time: Team Alliance offered Ceb to join them. The International 2015 was about to start, and Ceb was ready for it. Unfortunately! Team Alliance did not even qualified for The International’s.

Even after the International’s, Alliance was not able to win even one tournament. At that time, Alliance became the weakest team in every tournament. Therefore, Ceb left the team and again went in search of a new one…

In 2016 Ceb finally was seeing the Success he always wanted with Team OG:

Team OG Ceb, Notail, JeraxAfter leaving the Team Alliance, Ceb decided to act as a team coach. At that time, OG was suffering because Notail did not have enough players and a coach in their team. Therefore, Ceb joined OG and made the best decision in his life. The coaching skills of Ceb led OG to many significant victories: The Frankfurt, Manila, Boston and Kiev Majors. OG nailed almost every Major and Premiere tournament.

In 2017 Ceb started to play as OG’s permanent Offlaner:

Ceb Offlaner Team OG2017 became an absolute success for Ceb: A few months before The International 2018, Fly and S4 left the team. Ceb stood by Notail and acted as a permanent player.

Notail reformed the team and in June 2018, Ceb was officially announced as an offlane player of OG.

The burden on Ceb shoulders was high because he was acting as a coach and roster at the same time. He now had both roles, but it worked out great…
TI8 was about to start, Notail and Ceb wanted to win it at any cost.

They stomped the TI8 and won the Finals:

Ceb won the Ti8Ceb came up with amazing Strategies for the team, which ultimately led the team to win the Grand Final. After many significant failures in his previous years, this was the first vital joy in Ceb’s life. In 2018 OG won the prize pool of $11,234,158. That was the most epic boost for Ceb in his lifetime, he got over 2.1 million dollar for himself.

In 2019 Team OG and Ceb became the consecutive two time International’s Winner

After winning the Ti8, the morale and passion of the whole team were on the next point. It ultimately leads them to wins in the upcoming tournaments as well. Team OG did well after the Ti8.

Moreover, when the Ti9 started, OG became the most competitive team in the competition, they even were the absolute favorite to win the series. They only had one loss in their bracket. Ceb’s strategies and technical gameplay always worked for the team.Team OG International 2019Ultimately OG became the first team to reach the Grand Final in the Ti9. Later on, in the Grand Final against Team Liquid, Ceb and his teammates of OG showed next-level gameplay to the world. It amazed the whole world and changed the perspective of Dota. OG won the Ti9 and changed their fates…

Dota 2 Income E-Sport Earnings of Ceb:

Ceb Dota 2 Income and Earnings InterviewCeb never lost his hope and kept pushing himself towards success. As you can see it took him about 7 years of playing Dota 2 on a high level until he finally made a big step in his career: Winning the Ti8 and Ti9 sky-rocketed the E-sport earnigns of Ceb into heaven. After becoming a consecutive two-time winner of The Dota International, Ceb marked his position as the 4th player in the world with the highest E-sports earning.

Ceb earned $5,488,233 in 50 tournaments so far. His major success in his life started after joining team OG.
Dota 2 Earnings Ceb

What is Ceb’s current situation and what are his plans for the future?

Ceb does not need a pause from Dota 2, like Ana, OG’s safe lane carry, who is taking a few months for himself after every pro tournament. Ceb is open for the future and we can look forward to nice plays with OG or other clans he might join. How will OG’s team roster for the Dota 2 International 2020 look like? I am curious! 😉

Ceb has a girlfriend?

I tried to find that out, but there are no leaks about Ceb’s girlfriend. Let’s stay tuned. 😉

Ceb is very active on his twitter account @ceb_dota, if you want to follow his career and progress!

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4 months ago

ceeeeeeeeeeb ♪

5 months ago

Ceb’s journey as a professional Dota 2 player, highlighting geometry dash deadlocked his strategic talent, viral popularity, and significant achievements with Team OG, makes this a fascinating read for esports fans.