Sell & Buy Dota 2 Accounts – How much is my Acc worth?

In Dota 2 buying and selling Steam Accounts always has been a thing. Let’s check how much a Dota 2 acc is worth. How to buy one and which options are out there? 😉

How much Money is a Dota 2 Account worth?

How much money for Dota 2 AccountHow much should a Dota 2 account cost, according to the MMR rank?
Always check if the acccount is calibrated and if it’s core or support MMR or dependent on the single rank, which role perfomance handicaps you have.
Info: The MMR values of a rank group can change over time.

Immortal6000+ MMR$200 – $400
Divine5040 to 5760 MMR$120 – $200
Ancient4200 to 4920 MMR$50 – $100
Legend3360 to 4080 MMR$30 – $60
Archon2530 to 3240 MMR$20 – $40
Crusader1680 to 2400 MMR$15 – $25
Guardian840 to 1560 MMR$10 – $20
Herald0-720 MMR$5 – $15

How to Buy and Sell Dota 2 Accounts?

Info: I do not support account buying & selling, it’s just for giving neutral information. Decide for yourself if you want to do it or not.
Steps you need to do:

  • First of all, to make a Dota 2 account transfer, two parties have to meet and share account details and money.
  • If both parties agree with the deal, the transaction can be made. The money has to be transferred and the account plus email verification has to be delivered.
  • Since it’s not ethical correct in general, these transactions are kind of a black market thing and often affected by scammers. To be a bit safer, use bigger marketers and bigger websites, which already have a reputation and user ratings.
  • Always keep in mind that account buying and selling can work out, but often ends in a permanent ban by Steam.
  • People buy and sell Dota 2 accs for 10 years, the market is big, find a list of services below.

Why Dota 2 Players Buy and Sell Accounts?

BuyerGet a higher rank fast.
BuyerGet a new ranked account, when beeing banned.
BuyerRestarting with a better behaviour score (find the report FAQ and behaviour guide here).
BuyerPlaying anonymous.
SellerEarning money.
SellerEnding their Dota 2 career.

Beside Dota 2 smurf accounts, account buyers are the second major problem in the Dota 2 community. If you are a Dota 2 player, you must have seen people calling others “acc buyers”.

So what is an account buyer? Why do people buy an account?
An account buyer is someone who wants to play in a higher matchmaking tier or who wants to be someone different or wants to play anonymously. He is willing to pay the money for it, although he knows that from time to time, Valve is banning bought Dota 2 accounts. Sellers in the end just do it for the money and maybe to see the world burning. 😀

Is it forbidden to Buy a Dota 2 Account?

First of all, it’s legal, it’s a company thing and not a law thing. That means you can’t be punished in real life, but what can happen is that Valve finds out and closes the account forever.

The term legal or not does not fit, it’s not allowed in Dota 2 but of course legal. You will act against Steam’s Terms of Service and the worst thing that can happen is the Dota 2 ban or the Steam account close. Playing on an MMR level you do not deserve will just ruin games… Therefore just don’t do it unless you have a serious reason for it.

Which Dota 2 Account Marketplaces are available?

List of Dota 2 Marketplaces to Buy & Sell an Account:

  • On you can buy Dota 2 accounts, items, skins and boosting services. What’s great on this site is that the most deals include a “free insurance” so your money is safe or at least safer compared to other sites or compared to any transactions with strangers.
  • On
  • you will also find a huge list of Dota 2 accounts, cheap and easy to get.

  • On IGvault you can buy Dota 2 accounts and get a 3 day guarantee to get your money back.
  • On you can often find high class Dota 2 accounts with a lot of MMR above 4500. Check it out.
  • On there is a huge marketplace to sell and buy accounts, not with the highest trust factor but very easy to get.
  • There are a lot of Facebook groups where you can buy and sell Dota 2 accounts, just search for it, but be careful: You can make a good deal, but a lot of scammers and abusers run around here.

These are just 5 well known examples, there are endless services and sites to get accounts from. Choose the one you like the most and always do it on your own risk. 😉

How those websites get high-rank accounts?

Major websites have hired professional players, who act as a smurf and try their best to calibrate a high rank. Later on, they spam the account with the same hero and give it to the website. Afterward, the website sells it to people, and the smurf gets the cut from it. The same procedure is applied in the Facebook groups. Good players smurf and sell the accounts to beginner players at a reasonable price.

Dota 2 Acc Buying Opinion: Should you do it or not?

Are you thinking about buying a Dota 2 account? Think twice please, is it really necessary? If you deserve a higher ranker why don’t you do the work and push your MMR?
Here are some stories why it’s not worth to buy a fresh new Dota 2 account in most cases:

How an Account Buyer ruins Dota 2 Matches:

I used to play with a group of people. We all have a good rank. Of course, we got it because of our skills. But one of us was just an Archon. We did our best to teach him and tried various hero combos together with him, but he always wanted to go mid with the same build. We lost so many games because of this and of course blamed him for that. He thought we blame him because of his rank not because of his skill…

Therefore, he spent a lot of money and bought a Divine 5 account (higher rank than all of us). He was proud of it, now he was higher than us because he thought only rank matters. But the thing is: If you are losing against Herald players and your rank is Divine, you are still not better than the Herald player. The only thing that matters in Dota 2 is the skill.

Once we participated in the Battle Cup, and he insisted on the mid role as usual. He picked Shadow Fiend and the enemy Divine 5 picked Invoker. We already saw the end of the game. Do you know what happened after 6 minutes? Sf was level 3, and Invoker was Level 6. The support tried their best to save the mid hero, but we did not stand any chance…

Later on, he started playing on his real account and was shameful of his acts… 😀

For those kind of players, I recommend the Dota 2 beginner guide, instead of buying accounts.

More Reasons why it’s not worth to Buy a Dota 2 Account:

  • If you bought that great account and jump into the games you will only lose. One lose after another, trust me. You will panic and berserk to get any win and finally find yourself in the situation to quit Dota 2 or to use your main account again.
  • You will lose your money forever. Nothing more to say about it, there are definitely better investments, what could you buy for the same amount of money?
  • You could lose your account: Valve always gives priority to the user experience. Account buyers are hurting that experience. Valve is adding multiple authentications on the accounts and tracking the locations of the accounts. Whenever there is a massive change in the location, Valve requires mobile authentications and several other information from the account holders. Moreover, some frequent updates that keep identifying whether an account is bought or not. When it is verified, the account is banned. Ultimately you will lose your account, your money and the most important thing is, you have not learned anything.

How can I identify an Account Buyer in Dota 2?

Dota 2 ranked matchmaking is dependent on the MMR system. Your allies and enemies are chosen according to your rank.

For example, if an account buyer has bought a Divine account and facing consecutive defeats, his/her rank would not reduce in a short amount of time, but the MMR does:
If you are a Legend player and see a Divine or Ancient 5+ player in your or enemy team, then congratulations – you are having an account buyer in the match. Get ready for the fighting conversation, endless blame, and trash talks… 😉


Buying accounts in Dota 2 will not take you anywhere. You might have some fun quickly, but the fun will end soon. Moreover, your friends know who you and what your real skills are. You cannot survive for long in the higher tier.

If you want to acquire excellent skills, then there are no short-cuts for it. 😉
Increase your skills, trough Dota 2 guides and training, you can do it! Leave your ego behind and have a desire to learn…

We have some detailed guides if you will read them, I am damn sure your skills will improve!

Good luck guys and have fun playing! 🙂

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5 months ago

wts – 6k mmr immortal account with 2 arcana untradeable (rubick and sf) – rm288

11 months ago

Main pool 4.5k mmr account with 7k behaviour score starting at $54.99. Can be discussed further email me at “”

1 year ago
3 years ago

Herald and Guardian accounts should be sold for higher prices compared to Archon and Legend accounts.

3 years ago

Sell 7170 mmr smurf clean account rank 547 350$/Rm 1250
Steam id:383562679

3 years ago

selling 6300 mmr account, clean, didn’t boosted, 4200+ hours played, full inventory, last BP was 1000k + level email me

Chung Yi hoon
Chung Yi hoon
3 years ago

Hi i would like to sell my immortal account, prize u can set. 10k account behaviour

Chung Yi hoon
Chung Yi hoon
3 years ago
Reply to  Chung Yi hoon, kindly email me if u interested
Steam id : 163350017

3 years ago
If you think you deserve better teammate, visit our dota 2 account store !
Best price on the market, great variety of accounts available for you to choose

3 years ago
If you are looking for Dota 2 account , visit our website
We are the best dota 2 account shop on the market, cheap price, great variety of account, from low rank to 3k,4k,5k,6k, immortal. ALl account come with free 7 days insurance.
You deserve better teammate, buy now !

Last edited 3 years ago by cnlgaming
3 years ago

selling my divine 2 acc for 50$ only email me at

3 years ago is a good way to buy an account with instant delivery and 100% guarantees

3 years ago
3 years ago

Selling my Account Ancient 3 4.2k MMR account email me at

3 years ago

I use for all my accounts, If you want to play on high or low MMR.
there are lots of medals and mmr, and it’s safe

4 years ago

selling 1k5 mmr account with 9k+ behaviour score
email me at

3 years ago
Reply to  xdskiner

account sold 5/4/21

4 years ago

selling account 2k mmr with 2 personas pudge am plenty items binds to account 6k hours of dota,behavior at max.also 3200hours of csgo master guardian 1 (ak)
and pubg 1200 hours Diamont solo ranked and gold 1 squad ranked legit account with phone number.Email me

4 years ago

selling my account. 4k mmr behaviour 3k. many items.old account. 4k hours played. email me at

4 years ago

Thank you for the site list. I am going to go with playerup since they charge no fees on checkouts. Hope it goes well!

4 years ago

Selling 6000 MMR Immortal account, there is many items I can share you inventory.
Contact me on email if you are interested or need more info:

Azhim Anuar
Azhim Anuar
4 years ago

selling an account at CHEAPEST price.. Divine 1(80%) email me for more details —> … serious buyer only

Mateo heredia
Mateo heredia
4 years ago

Selling account 6,7k mmr top 900 6k behavior score

4 years ago

selling my acc. legend 3 .have immortal ,arcana, mythical, rare and set can be sell too. Also 1k plus level BP.

4 years ago

sell me an account 4k mmr

Azhim Anuar
Azhim Anuar
4 years ago
Reply to  edward

u mean u want to buy 4k mmr ? i got one (4780 Divine) , email me at if wnt more details , can nego even cheaper

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csgo account
1 year ago
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csgo account
1 year ago
Reply to  csgo account