Dota 2 Ranks List The Ultimate MMR Table

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Dota 2 Rank Herald 1Herald 10-153 MMRDota 2 Rank Herald 2Herald 2154-307 MMRDota 2 Rank Herald 3Herald 3308-461 MMRDota 2 Rank Herald 4Herald 4462-615 MMRDota 2 Rank Herald 5Herald 5616-769 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Guardian 1Guardian 1770-923 MMRDota 2 Rank Guardian 2Guardian 2924-1077 MMRDota 2 Rank Guardian 3Guardian 31078-1231 MMRDota 2 Rank Guardian 4Guardian 41232-1385 MMRDota 2 Rank Guardian 5Guardian 51386-1539 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Crusader 1Crusader 11540-1693 MMRDota 2 Rank Crusader 2Crusader 21694-1847 MMRDota 2 Rank Crusader 3Crusader 31848-2001 MMRDota 2 Rank Crusader 4Crusader 42002-2155 MMRDota 2 Rank Crusader 5Crusader 52156-2309 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Archon 1Archon 12310-2463 MMRDota 2 Rank Archon 2Archon 22464-2617 MMRDota 2 Rank Archon 3Archon 32618-2771 MMRDota 2 Rank Archon 4Archon 42772-2925 MMRDota 2 Rank Archon 5Archon 52926-3079 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Legend 1Legend 13080-3233 MMRDota 2 Rank Legend 2Legend 23234-3387 MMRDota 2 Rank Legend 3Legend 33388-3541 MMRDota 2 Rank Legend 4Legend 43542-3695 MMRDota 2 Rank Legend 5Legend 53696-3849 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Ancient1 Ancient 13850-4003 MMRDota 2 Rank Ancient 2Ancient 24004-4157 MMRDota 2 Rank Ancient 3Ancient 34158-4311 MMRDota 2 Rank Ancient 4Ancient 44312-4465 MMRDota 2 Rank Ancient 5Ancient 54466-4619 MMR
Dota 2 Rank Divine 1Divine 14620-4819 MMRDota 2 Rank Divine 2Divine 24820-5019 MMRDota 2 Rank Divine 3Divine 35020-5219 MMRDota 2 Rank Divine 4Divine 45220-5419 MMRDota 2 Rank Divine 5Divine 55420+ MMR
Dota 2 Rank Immortal PlacedImmortalPlacedDota 2 Rank Immortal Top 1000ImmortalTop 1000Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 100ImmortalTop 100Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 10ImmortalTop 10Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 1ImmortalTop 1

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Dota 2 Rank Season List:

Season 5Live15.10.2020Running
Season 419.09.201914.10.202013 month
Season 329.01.201916.09.20197 month
Season 206.06.201828.01.20197 month
Season 122.11.201705.06.20186 month

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Dota 2 Ranks are connected to the MMR Height:

Behind every rank, there is an ELO calculation. In Dota 2 this means, the MMR that is split into support and core MMR is calculated and you get the rank for that MMR number.
Update: MMR is split into a single rank with role performance now.

By working with this ranking table you can always have a look which MMR leads to which Doa 2 rank. If you want to know how to see your MMR in Dota 2, check out this guide.

Dota 2 Ranks are Seasonal:

After every 6-7 months, a new ranking season in Dota 2 starts. At that time every player has to recalibrate the Dota 2 account. With high win percentages, high entrance ranks can be reached to make life easier.

Check out all of our tips and tricks to increase your rank on the longterm. 😉

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