Dota 2 Hero Combos Ultimate Toplist: DUO + Clanwar Combos

The Best Hero Combos in Dota 2:
Perfect lane combos which you can play with your friends. Save this page and tryout the tactics you like. Please add even more combos in the comment section to make this list bigger and better! 😉
Dota 2 Hero Combinations
for High Winrates:
When playing with friends, everyone usually picks what he wants to. But high win rates are rare if heroes get picked without any plan… If you feel comfortable with your friends, clanmates or team members to play these hero combos, then do it! Your win rate gets boosted remarkably to the moon and back – and on top of that it is so much fun – I just love it! 😀
Playing Dota 2 Tactics in Clanwars and Public Matches:
The following Dota 2 tactics can be played versus public opponents in normal or matchmaking games (they rock in these game types) or in clan wars or fun wars. Moreover, the Battle Cup is be a perfect platform to play combos and strategies.
The efficiency and winning chances increase with each player: The tactics are usually playable with at least 3 players but can go up to 5 to maximize the potential.
It’s key to choose cooperative teammates who got the same vision and agree on playing a specific strategy. Each tactic has different win chances and different levels of difficulty, start with simple ones like the Global Killer tactic. 😉
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Increase the Amount of Dota 2 Heroes you can Play:
Guides to increase your general Dota 2 pick knowledge:
Dota 2 Guides for specific roles:
Which Two Player Combos
are the strongest in Dota 2?
There is not “the stongest lane” in Dota 2, it depends on counterpicks and synergies. Always try to draft well and pick heroes that will expose your opponents! 😉
Which Three Player Combos
are the strongest in Dota 2?
Focus on Counterpicks and take a Core and a Support Hero:
It’s super important to split the impact on the game in a fair way. If you pick position 1, 2 and 3 you will basically have all core positions. If you now lose, the other 2 players will hate you. Always split the responsibilities and pick 1 core with 2 supports or 2 cores with 1 support.
Which Hero Combos are recommended for me and my Friends?
Always choose heroes that can decide something in the late game, at least one of you should be a core. You can play together as a trilane on the offlane, or act together on the safelane.
It often happens in Dota 2 that you see other players or enemies who win with strong combos, just copy the combo and win with it in the next game! 😉 For this you can watch the replay and build the exact same items.
Tell us About Your Best Dota 2 Hero Combo:
In the table I rated all Dota 2 combos are rated through stars of 1-5 for the difficulty, effectiveness and the fun factor. Some tactics are very risky but offer a lot of fun and some are hard to play but super effective. Choose the tactics you love! 😉 Which tactic do you love or play often? If the combo is great I will add it to the table! 🙂
Good combo: Enchantress + Legion Commander
For example chaos knight and sky will be good cob chaos with bolt and sky with mystic flare can be kill every heros
Other duo comps: Undying dazzle, Witch Doctor Ancient Apparition, Shadow Demon disrupter, Underlord SK, Undying Wraith King, Drow Wind Ranger, Necro Dazzle, Enchantress Chen. Crystal Maiden goes with everyone…
Forgot some fun ones: Grimstroke Pugna, Grimstroke Lich +++ (Grimstroke with all Single Target Ability users is .. welll… >=D), Dazzle Vengeful Spirit