OpenDota โ€“ Simple Guide how to use the Dota 2 Data Platform

What is OpenDota for? How to use the tool?
And how to see your hero and item data? ๐Ÿ˜‰

What is OpenDota?

Funny Dota 2 Meme StatisticsOpenDota is a platform where Dota 2 players can get detailled data about their account and can compare it to other players. The site continuously updates the matches and turns the raw statistical data into easy understandable information. From a player perspective, analyzing the given data and information is a big step into the direction of becoming a better player. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The entire Dota 2 community, both new and expert players, benefit from this endless cycle of knowledge. On top of that, a wide range of features and categories are selectable in OpenDota, but itโ€™s quite easy to understand for new players.

How to get started with OpenDota?

  • Visit and click on login.Open-Dota-website
  • When you clicked on login, now enter your steam ID and password to connect with your Steam/Dota account.enter-steam-credentials
  • Your lifetime stats get uploaded automatically uploaded and you can also view the stats of your friends.
  • Open the Dota 2 game client and select settings. Now search and check the infobox called โ€œExpose Public Match Dataโ€. This allows external tools to track your account data.

OpenDota Questions and Answers:

Here are collected questions for OpenDota to make it easy to start with the nice tool. ๐Ÿ˜‰

1. How accurate is the estimated MMR from OpenDota?

OpenDota takes into account the MMR of the players you have played with, for example, if you played with 3-4k MMR players then your hidden MMR (which is used for matchmaking in unranked and is taken into account when calibrating) will be around that number.

The estimated MMR can increase if you play against better players. However, if you already have MMR, then it will mean absolutely nothing: The estimated MMR works only on new accounts who need to calibrate the first MMR.

2. Is OpenDota better than Dotabuff?
OpenDota vs Dotabuff:

Both tools have their right to exist. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Both are awesome but have different pros and cons:

OpenDota vs DotaBuffOpenDota has definitely more info and more data, it is a super detailed analysis. To analyze any of your matches choose OpenDota, you will have so much information. On the other hand, Dotabuff has an interface that is more simple and you can get information faster. Dotabuff is great to research builds, counters and the actual meta.

3. Is there a Mobile Application for OpenDota?

Players can access their game data by using the OpenDota mobile application. It is available for Android as well as for IOs. Unfortunately, the app does not offer all of the features. For full access to OpenDota, the desktop web app works better.

What are the OpenDota Features? What is it good for?

  • OpenDota gives a complete overview of your matches.Overview-of-your-Dota-matches
  • OpenDota has a complete summary of both teams.
  • It shows you the ranks of your teammates and opponents.
  • It also displays the number of kills, assists, and deaths of the players.
  • Amount of damage dealt with buildings, and heroes, alongside how much you healed your team members.
  • Your total networth.
  • Permanent Buffs like Tome of Knowledge, duel damage, flesh heap stack, Aghanimโ€™s Scepter, and Moonshard is also shown.

It not only tells your item purchases but also shows at what time in-game you bought that specific item.

Player Ability Build Chart:

You can also check in what order you upgraded your abilities and talents. Moreover, you can also view the talent tree development.

XP/Gold Chart:

The chart shows the two lines which represent the XP and gold earned in the game. It is useful in analyzing your individual performance compared to the team. You can determine at what point in the game you were behind or ahead of your opponents.

Benchmarks in OpenDota:

Benchmarks-in-OpenDotaThe benchmark is one of the most impressive features of OpenDota. It compares your performance with other players in percentages with five different colors:

  • Red shows that you performed pretty severely.
  • Orange shows the second-worst performance.
  • Yellow represents that you performed averagely.
  • Blue shows that you performed well.
  • Green tells us that your performance was awe-inspiring.

Detailed Combat Logs

You can check which, and how many times you killed a specific hero. Moreover, you can view all the spells with which you received and dealt damage. It also tells in numbers the amount of damage dealt with that spell.

Analyze your Ingame Dota 2 Performance:

Performance in-gameThis feature lets you know what you accomplished in the game. It includes your:

  • Multi-kill streak
  • Highest killing streak
  • Seconds of disabling on heroes
  • Your total death duration
  • Number of buybacks
  • Number of times you pinged on map
  • The most top instant of damage on heroes

Introduction to the the
OpenDota Analysis:

analysis-part-of-OpenDotaThe OpenDota analysis is a grade-based system, like your studies. It gives you a grade depending on your performance in each category.

Based on your matchup against the certain skill bracket and overall hero performance, and if you meet the individual averages, you get an A, a bit under, and you will get a B and so on.

  • OpenDota In-Game Casts:

    OpenDota shows what actions you performed throughout the game. It shows which abilities and how many times you used it on your enemy heroes.
    Castable items like Smoke of Deceit, Wards, TP scrolls, Force staff, and Manta, and others also show in numbers. For warding and vision tips checkout this guide. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Team Fight Analysis:

    It is also a beneficial tool as it shows your performance in team fights. You can select different contests from the game timer. From there, you can check your stats like death, damage, healing, abilities cast, items used, and the total number of GPM and XPM earned.

    Check out the hero cosmetics
    Sometimes, you look at a hero and find the equipped item to be quite beautiful. Do you wonder what the name of that item might be?
    Do not worry, OpenDota shows all the cosmetics with names, currently equipped in the game. ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you are you interested in getting more cosmetics, check this simple Dota 2 trading guide.

Advanced Data for Dota 2 Teams:

The teams option lets you check the rankings of the top professional teams. You can also view the recent games and tournaments played by that team. Moreover, OpenDota shows you the current roster and the former plays that played for that team. You can also view the profiles of those pro players and compare your stats. details-about-Team-in-OpenDota.

OpenDota Heroes Option:

This option comes with two categories: Professional and Public. You can check which hero is the most picked by the professional players.

In the Public section, different medals represent the pick and win ratio of heroes. It is advantageous as you can play the hero that has the highest win rate. It might end up making your games somewhat easier.

OpenDota Matches Option:

In the matches section, you can explore both the professional and high MMR games, which is great for players who want to improve their Dota 2 rank.
It also shows which two teams played against each other. It is an excellent feature for learning purposes by downloading and watching those high-tier games.

Opinion about OpenDota

Dota 2 has evolved immensely over time and the new features make the game more complex. Dota 2 Beginners lookout for some sort of guidance, which can help them get better at the game.Dota 2 Meme Funny KDA OpenDota is the one that provides some of the best features that can benefit both newbies and professional players equally.

OpenDota comes with many more features other than the ones mentioned above. You will be amazed by how much OpenDota has to offer. It is not guaranteed, but it will most likely benefit you in some way or another. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What is your opinion about the current state of Dota 2 matchmaking?

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2 years ago

Basically what the game offers opendota does too lol