Dota 2 Account Boosting – How does it really work?

How does Account Boosting in Dota 2 works? What is the price of it? Is Boosting impacting the Dota 2 matchmaking system? I researched everything, let’s jump in!

What is Dota 2 MMR Account Boosting?

MMR Dota 2 BoostAccount Boosting in Dota 2 means to manipulate your MMR trough help from others to achieve a higher rank. The matchmaking system in Dota 2 is serving every player with the rank of his real skill to maintain fair games.

Account Boosting creates a gap between the real skill and the displayed skill on a Dota 2 profile, which can have a serious effect on the balancing of a game.

Keep in mind that many people use the word “boosting” in Dota 2 as a common slug for giving the best and improving the account themselves. That of course is 100% legit. 😉

But in most cases when people talk about Account Boosting, third party boosting services, pro friend boosting and boosting organizations are meant, read below how it works.

How much does it cost to Boost your Dota 2 account?

Higher tiers cost more money, since these games are harder. While a boost of 1000 MMR from 2000 to 3000 MMR costs below $100, a boost from 5000 to 6000 MMR is extremely expensive with around $600.

Rank ChangeMMR BoostMMR MinimumPrice for CorePrice for Support
Herald to Guardian+800800$30 – $50$30 – $60
Guardian to Crusader+8001600$30 – $50$30 – $60
Crusader to Archon+8002400$30 – $50$30 – $60
Archon to Legend+7003100$40 – $60$50 – $70
Legend to Ancient+8003900$50 – $70$60 – $80
Ancient to Divine+8004700$90 – $130$100 – $150
Divine+8005500$200 – $260$240 – $300
Divine+8006300$400 – $550$500 – $700
This table shows the price for solo MMR boosting, if you choose “duo queue” to play with the Booster together, an extra price of about 33% will be added.

Which Dota 2 Account Boosting Services are available?

As long as Dota 2 players are hunting for their best possible rank they can get on the ladder from Herald to Immortal, there also will be a demand for Account Boosting. While Steam is fighting against it, Boosters always have to come up with new strategies that work.

Here is a list of some of the best Dota 2 Boosting Services:
Dota2freaks is not affiliated with any Boosting Services. Do it on your own risk.


    On Heroboosting, you can easily choose between core/support MMR, select your desired boosted amount and get a price for it.Dota 2 Boost your RankChoose your current MMR and the skill bracket that you want to reach. Afterwards you can select different specifications that are useful to stay undercover:Dota 2 Boosting ServicePrice for Boosting

    Boosting Hero Preferences:

    The most important factors are the hero preferences. All of your friends know which heroes you love to play and if you come up with completely new heroes with rampages it will look conspicuous for everyone. Imagine if you are an offlane player with Sandking or Tide and the Booster is playing midlane with Shadow Fiend, Meepo or Tinker. That won’t look normal! 😉

    Duo Boosting or Single Boosting:

    The second important thing to decide is, if you want to play with the Booster as a party or if you give him the account. Single Boosting is easier for the Booster because he can play at any time, Party Boosting is expensive but often worth because you can keep your playstyle and everything looks normal.

    Checkout here, but try on your own risk.

  • Dota 2 Boost

    On Dota 2 Boost you can also choose the desired change of MMR in Dota 2 and choose a role. This site is a bit cheaper if you want to save money but it has less options to choose from.
    Dota 2 BoostYou can visit Dota 2 Boost here.

Can I earn money trough Dota 2 Account Boosting?

If you are an extremely good player or retired pro player with around 6000 MMR, then try to get even better and start a professional career. If you are too bad for that or not ambitious enough, boosting can be an option…

Besides Dota 2 account boosting, coaching is a much more legitimate and reputable income source. Anyway, in my opinion, any day job out there in real life will make more money per hour, but if you seriously want it, you can make money through playing Dota 2.

First steps to start coaching or boosting:

  • Create an account of Fiverr for free.
  • Choose the correct category (Gaming) and add your boosting or coaching service in 2 minutes.
  • Add even more text and a nice image of Dota 2 to it.
  • Promote your gig and start with a low price to get your first reviews fast.

Is Account Boosting Legal in Dota 2?

No. There are multiple reasons why Valve is not allowing MMR Boosting in Dota 2. Valve officially does not support MMR boosting.

First of all, it hurts the gaming environment. When a Dota 2 beginner with a herald rank plays on an Ancient rank, what would happen except trash talks and blaming? MMR boosting ruins the skills of the players, and they stop focusing on skills and start to concentrate only on ranks.

It’s great that every Dota 2 addict wants to have a cool rank, but getting a much better rank than you are will cause problems later on.

Moreover, MMR boosters do not use a legitimate way to improve the MMR of their clients. They use various illegal tactics for that. Some of the MMR boosters do not play manually: They use bots or scripts on less populated servers to increase their chances of winning. These type of boosters are also ruining their skills as well. The same techniques are used for account buying as well. The boosters upgrade the account and sell it on their website.

Before the eight-year ban policy from Valve, Account Boosters were even becoming emboldened: most of them were streaming while boosting Dota 2 accounts. It was a tactic to improve the earning on a serious basis. However, after a few updates from Valve, when it became officially forbidden, the number of boosting streamers decreased.

What is Valve doing against Account Boosting?

Valve is applying multiple strategies to reduce the number of buyers. They make it harder and harder to complete a successful transaction. Moreover, they are making the AI stronger: It can detect boosted accounts, because many of them show the same characteristics, like too short matches or single hero abuse. These types of updates are shown to the world in public. Those accounts who have used MMR boosting services receive an eight-year ban. Currently, the number is not high but over time, Valve will come up with more strategies and make the AI even better. Also the report function plays a major part in this, so never give up reporting the bad guys! 😀

The main reason behind doing this is to improve the gameplay environment for the real players.

You might have seen the Dota 2 behavior score feature on your profile. It is also implemented for the same purpose. Changing from a ranking to a grading system from A+ down to F. The recent updates in the Behavioral score also play a major role in finding Smurf accounts. (According to Valve).

How does Dota 2 Account Boosting works?

Getting boosted has two common strategies:

  • Share your account and another player is forcing nothing else but wins and wins.
  • Party with Booster Players and get carried. This often is a bit more expensive than sharing the account, but is safer.

When a Dota 2 account is boosted, it has to be the case that the boosting player has higher skill than the real player. Hopefully. It depends on the skill of that Booster player and his ability to turn games into safe wins far beyond 50%. If you share the account for playing on it make sure to limit the hero pool to those heroes that you played before often.

Dota 2 Account Boosting is more expensive than Account Buying:

MMR boosting on an existing account is way more expensive compared to buying a Dota 2 Account, at least 3 times expensive. You might have experienced that in the Dota 2 ranks update: Valve made vast MMR differences in each medal. It was a tactic to reduce the number of boosters. The bigger the gap the higher the price. It forces people to stop buying boosting services. The prices will always go up over time.

Boost Services Experience Seasonal Peaks:

After every 6-7 months, a new Dota 2 season starts. Valve resets the MMR, and the account recalibration starts again. The time of recalibration is like Christmas for account boosters because in that phase almost every player wants to improve his MMR. The websites start providing discounts throughout the recalibration phase. A quite huge number of players end up buying those calibration services.

Why do people use Dota 2 Account Boosting?

Some players are frustrated by not reaching the next rank and some just do it to push their ego.
People want to show their friends what they can reach. They want a little piece of fame. While this is quite ironic wanting to be better than you really are, MMR business is quite stressful, and not everyone wants to play like a win-forcing-machine. Often players drop in MMR, got a lot of bad luck and a lack of patience. Because of that, some small boosts may look legit…
Dota 2 Ranks
At the end of the day , every Dota 2 player that plays the game competitively is caring about his rank and has the inner desire to reach a higher rank. And that’s good. Reaching out to get help from others is of course manipulation, but for some there also is a little voice in our head saying “just do it”, “no one will know”. 😉 Find the complete Dota 2 ranks table here.

Do people take it as a secret if they use Boosting Services?

Yes, they do. All of the extras of the Boosting services are just about staying anonymous because everyone who gets boosted wants to hide and act as if he did the MMR up rank himself to show the world how great they really are.

Serious Opinion about Dota 2 Account Boosting:

Is Boosting bad?
Yes it’s seriously bad.
Here is why:

  • Your current MMR is where you belong. If your current MMR is 3000, then you will swing between 2700 – 3300 MMR. And that’s good. Its where you have to be and where the 9 other players have the same skill as you. The perfect setup for a good and fair round of Dota 2.
  • You will lose your money. Imagine you get boosted from 3000 to 5000 MMR. What will happen? You will fall down to 3000 MMR again, it’s just about time. The money will never come back.
  • After getting boosted you will lose nearly every game because you can’t keep up with the skill of the match. Moreover, the other players will blame you. You will only win games if the other 4 players carry you.
  • You may get banned. If Valve can ban 17000 smurf accounts, then they can do the same with boosted accounts as well.

Tips how to Boost your Dota 2 Account:

So, here’s the advice: Don’t do account Boosting. 😉 If you still want to do it, here are some soft ways to do it, without destroying the system:

  • A small MMR Push could work out if you are really better than your MMR but you do not have the time because of your girlfriend or your job. A simple push of about 500 MMR, could help out and maybe you can stay there.
  • Calibration Boosting may be okay, it’s just about 10 matches and then you can play on your own and check if you deserve that rank.
  • If friends help each other for a few games (playing on the account of a friend), no one will kill you. A few won games won’t hurt.

But here is the best advice: Just play with better players together. You can learn a lot, they can carry you and everything is legal. You will not have superhigh chances of getting a lot of MMR fast, but improving your own skill is the best way to play Dota 2.

Is the Dota 2 account safe if you share it with Booster Services?

You never know. Of course, every Dota 2 account boosting service is presenting a ton of arguments and references how safe and secure they work – but in the end, you never know. You can’t trust these people and giving them your steam account with thousands of items and skins on it is a crazy risk. Only do it if it won’t be the end of the world if you lose the account. 😉

Fun-Fact: The first 10.000 MMR account was also boosted

The whole Dota community was astonished when somebody in the Southeast Asia Leaderboard achieved the 10.000 MMR milestone. Everybody was curious about how that is even possible. They also wanted some tips to increase their MMR.

Later on, a report came out that the man who achieved the 10.000 MMR is a Booster. He, along with his other Booster fellows, boosted this account and set a record. They did not do it through skills – they used cheap tricks and spammed heroes. They also used one big trick that even Valve was not aware of:
The alleged booster filled 70% of his matches with his own ten accounts. Sounds creepy, but it’s true, on Reddit he confessed it. Unfortunately, it’s not possible t to share the profile because of the privacy issues. The booster wrote a large note on Reddit and explained everything. However, he said, he will not share the trick how he fills each game with 10 of his accounts. One thing is clear that guy has ten computers. 😉 At least he saved Valve from a big mess. Otherwise, if he had leaked that trick, the whole matchmaking would be wrecked.


What about you, have you ever used Dota 2 Account Boosting services, or do you know people who did it? What is your opinion about it, tell us in the comments! 😉

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Dota Noob
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Mirana P
Mirana P
3 years ago

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Jason Kent
Jason Kent
3 years ago
Reply to  Mirana P

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Reply to  z3d

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3 years ago
Reply to  sadsa

It was a nice article but i have used both of these’s services, and they suck long time. One of them banned my account and the other one did not even complete their order in given time. So i had switched to other Dota 2 boosting site and it took me by surprise that the completed the order in no time and gave me extra mmr aswell with a 40% discount.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Dota 2 Boosting is no longer safe, if you boost your account it will get banned and no ways to work around that and you will lose your account. If you want to play on high MMR, rather buy an account like
there are lots of medals and mmr, and it’s safe

3 years ago
Reply to  exzibbbt

I use because the good and cheap

3 years ago
Reply to  XOC
Jason Kent
Jason Kent
3 years ago
Reply to  exzibbbt

Dota 2 boosting is still safe?! Who said it is not safe anymore? Its all about choosing the right service. I personally use and they are the most savest one!

4 years ago

Hello to all fans of the Dota 2. I have been playing Dota 2 for a long time and I know from my own experience that MMR premium boosting in Dota 2 by is the best option for Dota 2 players looking to increase their MMR in the game. has years of expertise in the video game boosting industry and employs top quality boosters who are playing Dota 2 boost on the highest levels of the game.

3 years ago
Reply to  WalFik
Trecy J
Trecy J
3 years ago
Reply to  WalFik

I did try their service and it was not up to the mark. I have tried multiple boosters like immortalboost, dota 2 boost, vikingdota, but now I have hired dota 2 boost shop. Lets see how it goes

2 years ago
Reply to  Trecy J

A very meaningful event, I hope everything will go well moto x3m